Meet Sparkie!
Frog in residence
Sparkie's 14th Birthday party in pictures
Just the facts...
My name is Sparkie. I am an AFRICAN CLAWED FROG.
My breed was originally found in African streams and ponds. I carry diseases that could be deadly to other North American frogs if I were released into the wild.
I am a muscular, food-devouring frog.
I have no tongue nor teeth.
I am a female. I have a small tail for egg laying ( I have not laid eggs yet.)
Males vocalize during breeding season.
Males have stripes on the inside of their forearms.
Babies can happen when parents-to-be are 10 months to 1 year old.
Tadpoles can take from 6 to 8 weeks to become frogs.
I arrived here as a very small frog, not a tadpole.
I might live up to 25 years, with good care.
I might grow five inches long or more. (My albino cousins do not grow as large as my naturally-colored ones.)
There is a dwarf variety distinct from my regular-sized breed.
Once every few weeks, I shed my skin and eat it – it has nutrients I need. That takes only a few minutes, and some library staff have seen me do it.
My kind were used to determine pregnancy in women in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
We were released en masse when tests advanced and frogs were no longer used and we devoured lots of wild life.
How did I get here? Mrs. Baum, a previous library director, purchased me at Critters. She put me in a cube aquarium abandoned by a frog next door in City Hall, my first home in this building.
How old am I? Nobody knows…. But my estimated anniversary of arrival “birthday” is April, 2002.
2016 marks my 14th year as Frog in Residence.